Talladega City Schools Pre-K Program

Hal Henderson is home of the Talladega City Schools Pre-K Program. Mrs. Angela Capers, a "highly qualified" teacher with exceptional talents, developed the program during the 2008-2009 academic year. Mrs. Karen Graves, a "highly qualified" paraprofessional, works collaboratively with the 2010-2011 teacher, Mrs. Patricia Cook, to continously move the program forward. Mrs. Cook was previously our State Department of Education Technical Assistant who evaluated our program. We have 18 students enrolled in Pre-K. I am also pleased to announce that our site has been recognized by the State Department of Education as "exemplary."

Monday, October 26, 2009


Friday, October 30, 2009

8:00-9:30 - EDUCATEAlabama teacher training - print certificate when finished.
9:30-10:30 - MOODLE training - John Locklin - Clay's classroom (everyone)
10:30-11:00 - Work in your classroom
11:00-12:30 - Lunch on your own!!!
12:30-1:00 - Work in your classroom
1:00-3:00 - Study Island training (all k-6)

Vicki Brock will present K-2 Study Island training.
Mr. Berry and Mrs. Clay will present 3-6 Study Island training.
There will be signs outside Clay and Berry's classroom indicating location for each group.

I have already signed up Hal Henderson teachers for Moodle and Study Island training. Anyone attending other training sessions will need to submit the session for approval through PDWeb or sign up individually on PDWeb. If you have questions or need assistance, see me.

Happy Halloween!!!!

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